Winter Run entrants are able to unlock a range of badges throughout their training! Check out some of those that will be coming soon.

Record a total of 5km over multiple runs to win our introduction distance badge.
That's the same as a parkrun, or half the annual London Winter Run

Record a total of 10km over multiple runs to win our Winter Run distance badge
That's 6.2 miles, and the same distance as the annual London Winter Run

Record a total of 20km over multiple runs to win the bronze distance badge
That's not only two London Winter Runs combined but it's about the length of 800 polar bears walking in a line.

Record a total of 50km over multiple runs to win the silver distance badge
50k straight ahead! Did you know the biggest iceberg ever recorded was 37km wide! That's nothing compared to what you will need to run to achieve this badge.

Record a total of 50km over multiple runs to win gold!
You’ll need some serious miles on the clock for this one – you will need to log runs that total the height of Big Ben ONE THOUSAND times! Some serious miles on the clock...

Log your first 3k in one go training run to get your ICE COLD badge
Put the sofa on ice and get that first 3k logged!

Cover 7km in one go to have the DEEP FREEZE award
7k (or 4.35 miles) is a huge chuck of the total we will be running on Sunday 7th Feb. There really is snow stopping you!

By logging you first run, you are living the Norwegian life - Friluftsliv means embracing the outdoors in the winter months!

Log your event day distance of 10km on a training run to win the ICE BATH badge
Once you’ve conquered the Ice Bath badge you will have earnt your recover bubble bath. You deserve it after completing a full 10k in one go.